Wednesday, 4 July 2007

What a Sunny Day

What a sunny day, today...

The sun shone the fullest, i think.

Panas bangettt...but it didnt stop me to go out to the grocery store nearby my home. I had to go.. many things to buy.

Alhamdulillah, slowly but sure, one by one...we receive some orders. This weekend, we have to provide 200 snack boxes to support "Sunatan Massal" in our neighboorhood.

For me, it's an important project, the pilot one. Since i am the new comer, i think, it's the perfect time, to annaounce and to promote the existancy of Rumah Manis....

We hope everything run well...amiiin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Iya kemaren emang panas banget
sampe hati gue juga panas...gara2 ada orang aneh ngomentarin gue gak penting...
Padahal gue gak kenal sama tuh orang !!!
Kasian deh tuh orang !!!!